10 Key Attributes of a Great Dungeons & Dragons Player

Use these 10 habits to develop teamwork, respect, and creativity that will raise your D&D games and allow your group to have a great player on their side.

Emma Muller, baker, bakes smiles & sweet treats daily.

Emma Muller

· 2 min read
Dungeons & Dragons Cover

Credits: Dungeons & Dragons

Ten Traits of a Perfect D&D Player

  1. Communicate Properly: Inform the group about changes to the schedule, respectfully offer opinions and suggestions, and bring up questions.
  2. Be Punctual and Prepared: Respect the effort a DM has put in and don't let everyone down by arriving with a high-level character and notes.
  3. Play a Character Familiar with Himself: Memorize abilities, story arc, and faults to lessen the time off of the game.
  4. Share the Spotlight with the Others: Let quieter players take a turn, and go easy with the narrative.
  5. Stay Involved When It Is not Your Turn: When it's someone else's turn, show respect and stay aware during the combat/RP so you can think up strategies.
  6. Engage the World: Pose questions to the NPCs, connect your character's backstory to the overarching plot, and respond to the lore.
  7. Be the DM's Support: Recap the sessions, set the schedule, join forces to acquire snacks, or bring your equipment.
  8. Give Them Feedback: Tell them what's working well and what went wrong, but keep the tone light and positive.
  9. Take Notes: Provide hints, NPCs, and plotlines for immersion, and aid your party later on.
  10. Always supply tasty treats: Fuel the party and gain DM brownie points with shared snacks.

A great D&D player becomes all about fun, togetherness and immersion. Considering oneself as providing an unbroken supportive atmosphere will make for a stronger campaign and so, unforgettable adventures.

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Emma Muller

Emma Muller

Baking smiles and sweet treats daily. At Sweet Haven, she creates sugary masterpieces that delight taste buds and warm hearts.